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And another great review for Melting Shadows!

5 hearts "...as the book flows on toward the HEA, the reader will fall in love with her at the same pace that Max does; slowly and surely. The story is engaging, perfectly paced, and full of emotionally charged passages that will have the reader shaking his/her head, laughing, becoming anxious, or a multitude of other feelings and emotions.” --Sapphyria’s Book Reviews

Buy: Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Apple/iBooks | Kobo All Romance

One for Legacy too. 

5 stars. "The characters are delightful and well-rounded…I enjoyed the story a great deal, including all of the little twists and turns Ms. Rhodan included – from the hilarious Raven familiar to the obsessed and malicious villain – the story was a delight to read and held my attention. Speaking as a well-seasoned Practitioner there are many books about witchcraft that leave me cringing…the fictionalized witchcraft theme was treated with deference and no silliness…I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a great love story with a bit of magic thrown in!”  Click here to read the full review on Goodreads

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